Record Management ----------------- To create a new 'Contact' in Salesforce: .. code-block:: python sf.Contact.create({'LastName':'Smith','Email':''}) This will return a dictionary such as ``{u'errors': [], u'id': u'003e0000003GuNXAA0', u'success': True}`` To get a dictionary with all the information regarding that record, use: .. code-block:: python contact = sf.Contact.get('003e0000003GuNXAA0') To get a dictionary with all the information regarding that record, using a **custom** field that was defined as External ID: .. code-block:: python contact = sf.Contact.get_by_custom_id('My_Custom_ID__c', '22') To change that contact's last name from 'Smith' to 'Jones' and add a first name of 'John' use: .. code-block:: python sf.Contact.update('003e0000003GuNXAA0',{'LastName': 'Jones', 'FirstName': 'John'}) To delete the contact: .. code-block:: python sf.Contact.delete('003e0000003GuNXAA0') To retrieve a list of deleted records between ``2013-10-20`` to ``2013-10-29`` (datetimes are required to be in UTC): .. code-block:: python import pytz import datetime end = # we need to use UTC as salesforce API requires this! sf.Contact.deleted(end - datetime.timedelta(days=10), end) To retrieve a list of updated records between ``2014-03-20`` to ``2014-03-22`` (datetimes are required to be in UTC): .. code-block:: python import pytz import datetime end = # we need to use UTC as salesforce API requires this sf.Contact.updated(end - datetime.timedelta(days=10), end) Note that Update, Delete and Upsert actions return the associated `Salesforce HTTP Status Code`_ .. _Salesforce HTTP Status Code: Use the same format to create any record, including 'Account', 'Opportunity', and 'Lead'. Make sure to have all the required fields for any entry. The `Salesforce API`_ has all objects found under 'Reference -> Standard Objects' and the required fields can be found there. .. _Salesforce HTTP Status Code: .. _Salesforce API: